Malgorzata Korzeniowska from the Laboratory of Protein Engineering at the Mossakowski Medical Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, won the competition for the best poster in session no 4 – “New antibacterial therapies – drug candidates” at the XXIX National Congress of the Polish Society of Microbiologists. The event took place on 14-17 September in Warsaw, Poland. In the awarded work entitled “Zebrafish as a model to assess the toxicity and effectiveness of enzybiotics – innovative antibacterial agents”, the authors – Malgorzata Korzeniowska, Izabela Sabala and Elżbieta Jagielska presented how Danio rerio embryos are used to access the safety, address the stability, activity, selectivity, and cytotoxicity of engineered in the Laboratory, innovative antimicrobial substances, which eliminate pathogenic bacteria without affecting the natural microflora.